Just a couple of cinder block

I had a few left over faux succulents from my moss project a few weeks back. In one of my weekly trips to buy a table saw, I ran across these concrete cinder blocks. They were 2 dollars each. Now, I know I could probably find these on the side of the road, but I digress.

We have this spot in the back of our yard that we roll the hose up on, and I wanted something to hide it. What better than spray painted cinder block planters? It cost me a total of ~15 dollars. I like assyemtrical lines a lot, so I used blue painters tape to create some fun triangles on the cinder blocks. SUPER EASY, super unique. I like anything that is out of the box, and I like the way this turned out. I used faux succulents because I kill everything I try to plant. :) I am a sucker for any DIY project. I will find something to make out of anything.

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