Spenser Riley

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Keeping the house clean in style

People always think my house is immaculate. But I have a secret. My house is SURFACE CLEAN. When I first heard the term “SURFACE CLEAN”, I literally laughed out loud. That is such a funny term to me.

I think if you have known me for a while, you know I am an extremely Type-A, mildly OCD individual. Mess in MY OWN house drives me nuts. I like order & cleanliness & let’s just be honest…. that’s not really realistic when you have kids at home all day. I love to decorate, and I got so sick of toys on the floor in every room. We try to teach the kids to put things away, but let’s just be real…. that just doesn’t happen all of the time. We have a play room that I tried to devote as being the “messy” room, but that was also delusional. With kids comes toys… and shoes… and bows… and balls…. etc. etc. etc.

So, here comes my secret. I can’t stand things on the floor. I can’t stand shoes in the hallway. I can’t stand toys laying out. But, that’s just life. I’ve always LOVED woven baskets so I decided to get a little creative with them and put them to good use. I wanted something that fit into my house decor aesthetic and didn’t look “kiddish” (if that makes sense). This is one of the best hacks I think I have yet because

1. not only are they cute & stylish…. but

2. The kids think it is fun to try to throw their toys into them because they look like “goals”.

BUT, if you are saying…. “this doesn’t apply to me, I don’t have kids”…. BUT WAIT!

I have found MANY a purpose for these. I keep these in our entryway for the shoes. I keep a larger one for my yoga gear. I have one for pillows & blankets. My husband even has one for dirty clothes (That doesn’t just look like a laundry basket). I like things to all mesh together in the house, so this is the perfect solutions to “hiding” all the extra stuff that normally sits out in hallways & floors.

The two above are in me daughters room. One is for all her dance outfits, and the other is for bows. Lord, help me. Always said I’d never let my daughter wear bows…. eating those words now.

I camouflaged all the barbies and Hot Wheels under that blanket I styled on top of that basket. INSTANT FIX. Those are my favorite. Most of these I have scored from places like Target, HomeGoods, TJ MAXX, & thrift stores. I like the assortment & variety. Every piece is a little different. I found a few that I’m going to link below!

I have included a few below I found online for pretty good prices. Click each image to take you to each. All range about 20-40 bucks!
